Monday, November 10, 2008

Eight things you'd find in your medicine cabinet/bathroom as a kid.

Nostalgia abounds!

1. Mr. Bubble lasted until Mr. Prune Fingers showed up.

2. Another fabulous pink concoction. The squeeze dosage feature was always a favorite of mine.

3. Snotty nose? No problem. Ear wax bulidup? A thing of the past. Thanks to blue rubber bulby thing.....

4. That fake grape flavor makes the icky feeling go away.

5. This pre-historic family has had the children's vitamin market cornered for decades. Theres a rumor going around that the overwhelming success of the Flinstones has forced The Jetsons into carnival work.

6. I had the ones with the "Muppet Babies" on them.

7. "It'll hurt if I swallow. It'll hurt if I swallow. It'll hurt if I......."

8. "Pour it in your eyes and see what happens."


Mike said...

Pretty gall dang funny.

Big Dave said...

Relax Booh. Love the list. I didn't have some of those things when I was a child however, so I think I may have been deprived. Oh, and I poured some of that Baby wash in my eyes and it made me want to strike an infant. Is that healthy?