Monday, March 16, 2009

Eight Songs You Might Have Forgotten (AKA what I listened to in the 5th grade)

If you're like me and came of age in the 90's, there's a good chance you've forgotten about these wonderful hits from a by gone era....enjoy pretties.

8. "I Can't Dance" by Genesis
(My Mom thought Phil Collins was hot)

7. "Close to You" Maxi Preist:

6. "Set a Drift on Memory Bliss" by PM Dawn
(had the album on tape)

5. "We Got a Love Thang" by Cece Penniston
(again, had the album on cassette tape)

4. "Saving Forever For You" by Shanice
(Featuring a young Brian Austin Green)

3. "Give It Up" by Wilson Phillips
(Carnie is Delta Burkalious in this video!)

2. "Vibeology" by Paula Abdul
(What a piece of shit song! Can you feel the vibe?)

1. "Rhythm is a Dancer" by Snap
(I remember Aunt Viv talking about Snap on "The Fresh Prince of Bel Air")

Happiness is a warm gun....and a few other things.

Life sucks sometimes we all know this....just remember we're all better off than most. Here's a list of eight things that make me happy and I usually take for granted on a daily basis:

8. Coffee- I've recently became a regular coffee drinker and I must say, a strong cup of joe in the morning is a fabulous treat. Plenty of Coffee Mate with two or three Splendas and I'm ready to start my day.

7. Howard Stern -Listening to Howard 100 on my way to work or school is something that I can't imagine life without....does that make me weird? (ETM Rules)

6. My Grandma J. -She'll be celebrating her 88th birthday in April and she's as funny and quick witted as ever. I like to think I inherited my cherished "smart ass" gene from her. She's a great conversationalist and I'm the only granddaughter I know who trades one liners about sex and drugs with their elderly Grandmother.

5. Easy Listening & Adult Contemporary Music -Bread, Air Supply, Genesis, Billy Joel, Hall & Oates....thank you fellas for soothing my soul with your sweet melodies.

4. High Speed Internet -One day your children will ask you what the world was like without the information super highway...hopefully you'll be able to remember. Infinite information at your fingertips is wonderful and should never be taken for granted. It's a beautiful thing and when computers overthrow humanity we will all be vaporized instantly so enjoy it while it lasts people.

3. Camera phones -If you see something that needs to be documented (like your friend stumbling out of a bar and puking all over the sidewalk) it's not a problem with these little gadgets. Great for blackmail as well (I'm looking at you Michael Phelps).

2. Instant Jello Pudding -Pistachio in a flash. (Cool band name)

1. People -When you find out you have something in common with a stranger, when you find out something new and cool about a friend you've known for years, when your kid just achieved a milestone, when you're picking up someone at the airport and you have that "Movie Hug" when you first see each Red Green said "We're all in this together". Hug someone today damn it.