Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Eight products that shouldn't exsist...

8. Swiffer wet mops -I've been bitching about this one for years...they say it kills dogs. Nuff' said.

7. Break and bake cookies -You're not fooling anyone with these. They'll never taste like homemade goodness. Love is the most important ingredient you know.

6. Febreeze -Spraying an unknown concoction of various chemicals on your clothes will not mask the scent of crotch rot. Trust me, I know.

5. Snuggies -The holidays are coming up and I urge all who read this to not buy one of these as a "gag gift". You'll just be making it worse. Plus the beautiful afghan that Grandma knitted for you will be collecting dust in the closet...shame on you Snuggie.

4. The egg wave -Really?

3. Stick lights -Buy a fucking flashlight!!!!

2. Post-it note dispensers -Because the Earth needs more plastic.

1. Scented garbage bags -Quite possibly the most inane product ever created. So instead of your kitchen smelling of rotten eggs and dirty diapers. Your kitchen can smell like rotten eggs, dirty diapers and Springtime freshness.


Sunday, October 18, 2009

Girl Crushes

Eight women I would seriously consider switching sides for. Lesson learned: I guess I'm partial to brunettes.

1. Mary Lou Retton (My very first girl crush)

2. Claret Claret

3. Bettie Page

4. Amy Sedaris

5. Ally Sheedy in "The Breakfast Club" before Molly Ringwald's character gave her a makeover.

6. Tina Fey

7. Karen O.

8. Chloe Sevigny

Monday, July 20, 2009


Hey there, it's been awhile. Lots of big changes have taken place in the last month, the biggest of them being relocating to South Carolina from Michigan. It's been a little less than a week since I arrived and I think I'll like it a lot down here. My sister has graciously allowed me to stay in her apartment with her until I find digs of my own. To commemorate my 28th birthday I give you my Southern experience so far, by the numbers:

8. Excessive amount of items in new apartment: 7 bottles of shampoo, 5 bottles of conditioner, 16 scented jar candles, 2 identical crock pots (two more than we need), 2 hair dryers and 3 different types of mustard.

7. Number of jobs that I've applied to just today: 3 (keep your fingers crossed for me please!)

6. Number of times I threatened to move back to MI: 1 (moment of weakness.)

5. Number of driving hours: 15 (we decided to get it done in one fail swoop...never, ever again.)

4. Number of times I've been called "darlin'": Too many to count.

3. Amount of money I saved at the local Food Lion today: $15.69

2. Number of original paintings of a woman being attacked by a robot: 1 (thanks Andy.)

1. Pieces of "Funfetti" birthday cake I've eaten: Infinite.

Friday, June 5, 2009

My Teenage Diary

I'm in the process of moving and came across an old diary that I started in June of 1993 at age eleven and continued making entries in until September of 2000. I'm a little disappointed at how cliche the subject matter is. The first thirty pages are dedicated to boys that I had a crush on that particular month. However it's nice to see how greatly my penmanship has improved over the years.

The following insightful and angst ridden gems are taken word for word from said diary:

8. June 1993 -"Today is Tuesday. I've been to the carnival three times, I saw N--- there, he didn't say anything to me but he did hit me in the head. I guess he's shy."

7. July 1993 -"Flushing didn't have any fireworks this year. The city didn't have enough money to pay for them. And I don't like N--- anymore."

6. January 1994 -"I've got to bring my Science grade up. 2nd semester I have Gym & Shop. I think I'm going to fail Shop it looks really hard. And Gym is Gym but the teacher is worried everybody thinks she's a lesbian. She seems nice to me."

5. August 6, 1995 -"Being 14 is way different than being 13. To me it's like your life changes drastically not in a physical or visible sense but mentally your a different person."

4. January 8, 1996 -"It's finals week at school, I haven't studied a bit and my math exam is tomorrow. I'm going to study my ass off tonight. Good thing "Friends" isn't on tonight."

3. December 28, 1996 -"I called him yesterday. It's over. I'm so sick of thinking and worrying about him. I called him and apologized for being a psycho. He had no clue what I was talking about. Fuck him."

2. January 5th, 1997 -"I'm never going to get into that "I wish I was somebody else" shit again. I like myself just fine. If somebody doesn't like me that's their problem. Stuff like that's not hard to say but it's hard to remember. I need to throw a party."

1. January 9, 1997 -"GUYS BITE!"

Monday, May 11, 2009


You can tell a lot about a person based on the shit that they have on display in their home. Their likes, their dislikes, where they've been and where they hope to go...Since I'm feeling a little self-absorbed tonight I've decided to grant you a half assed tour of my apartment. Feel free to judge me and share your opinions on this banal example of blogging. I feel that if most people out there can upload hundreds of photos of their kid's second birthday, I can post this....enjoy.

1. Various tiny jars of sprinkles (or jimmies if you prefer) and glitter. I don't bake that often but when I do I go whole hog. 2. Reduced fat peanut butter is a marketing strategy I fell for hook, line and sinker. Reduced fat is a farce.

7. Really nice luggage that was given to me as a gift for my 21st birthday. I took it to New York once and walked in an urgent manner through LaGuardia. I pretended that I was a very important person that was catching a last minute flight to Dubai. I need to get out more.

6. Ralph Steadman poster behind a pile of hand and tote one needs that many bags.

5. I collect glasses. If I'm visiting a dive bar or a really tacky tourist destination I almost always buy the souvenir pint glass. A little white trash perhaps but they're much more practical than tiny, decorative spoons.

4. This shelf was installed in the bathroom for the specific purpose of a "bathroom library". It wasn't my idea but I've grown to like it. For the record, those are not bongs. They're plastic "cups" that were purchased at Comerica Park and contained an overpriced, fruity daiquiri of some sort. Eat your heart out Martha Stewart.

3. I'm watching what I eat...(rim shot).

2. Since I'm the awesome person that I am, I decided to make pancakes for my sister when she visited from South Carolina a few weeks ago. I bought a second bottle of syrup in prepartion for the breakfast (always think ahead). She ended up opening the brand new bottle instead of using the last of the old one. After my horrifying fit of rage, I calmed down and all was forgiven.

1. As you can see I'm a fan of the classics.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Eight things I'll remember about the legendary Bea Arthur

8. Shoulder Pads -Dorothy always rocked the linebacker look in her long, flowing pant suits. Made with 100% polyester but worn with 100% fierceness.

7. The voice -Childhood memories of her low resonant tones whining: "MAAAaaaaaaaa!!" and "Stan"!

6. Salt and pepper hair -This woman was so confident in her own skin she went naturally grey on TV. She sported the grey "wings" long before Paulie Walnuts on the Sopranos did.

5. Feminist -I didn't grow up watching "Maude" but I wish I did. With topics like abortion, divorce, racial equality, gender issues and liberalism this sounds like a show that was right up my alley as a nine year old.

4. The strangest people become gay icons and Bea Arthur was one of them. Maybe it all started with this video:

3. My sister, our Grandma J. and I used to watch the "Golden Girls" every weekend. We became such fans that instead of playing house the three of us would play "Golden Girls". I was Rose, my sister was Sophia and my Grandma J. was Dorothy.

2. Cheesecake -It solved all of the "Golden Girls" conundrums why not yours and mine?

1. R.I.P. Bea Arthur!!!!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Let's just be clear

8. If you're an overweight, mid-western housewife that has a penchant for unwashed hair and wearing nothing but looney toon t-shirts, no one is going to believe that that's a real Louis Vuitton handbag you're carrying. The knock off handbag trend can end any second's just getting embarrassing.

7. I need a bumper sticker that reads "I spent seven months in a hotel room in Detroit and all I got was this lousy honk cough"....If you're a person who likes to smoke in close proximity to other people in enclosed areas you deserve to be castrated.

6. Let's face it, I'm a white girl with a fat ass. If you happen to be a gentleman of African American decent please don't make it BLATANTLY OBVIOUS that you are staring at my ghetto onion. It makes me uncomfortable and I think it's gross. (Not my ass, your behavior.)

5. To the middle aged woman with glasses that works at Kohl's on Baldwin Rd. in Auburn Hills: I could give a shit less that you're also considering moving to South Carolina because it's one of the last "conservative and christian" states in the country. I know that you think I'm one of your own due to my white skin and modest dress but I assure you that I'm a liberal heathen to my very core.

4. Just because the label on the wine bottle is cool looking doesn't mean it's going to taste all that great.

3. I want everyone who's reading this at the moment to know that no matter what happens, everything is going to be okay. Whatever it is will work itself out and who knows? Maybe you'll be a better person as a result.

2. I made the mistake of telling co-workers that I dabble in stand-up comedy. Now whenever one of them in particular says something funny she says something to the effect of: "You should use that in your act". No.

1. This actually turns me on:

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

I Would Like to Know...

8. I would like to know what my face looks like at age 70 weather I live to be that age or not.

7. I would like to know why Suzanne Somers keeps writing books and more importantly, why people keep buying them.

6. I would like to know if there is such a thing as Super AIDS and how Ann Coulter can contract it.

5. I would like to know if Brett Michaels will ever find true love...I'm starting to get worried.

4. I would like to know sign language so I can communicate with apes.

3. I would like to know if God knew what he was doing when he created Nadya Suleman.

2. I would like to know algebra.

1. I would like to know what any children I might have in the future look like, just in case I need to change my mind about having them.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Eight Songs You Might Have Forgotten (AKA what I listened to in the 5th grade)

If you're like me and came of age in the 90's, there's a good chance you've forgotten about these wonderful hits from a by gone era....enjoy pretties.

8. "I Can't Dance" by Genesis
(My Mom thought Phil Collins was hot)

7. "Close to You" Maxi Preist:

6. "Set a Drift on Memory Bliss" by PM Dawn
(had the album on tape)

5. "We Got a Love Thang" by Cece Penniston
(again, had the album on cassette tape)

4. "Saving Forever For You" by Shanice
(Featuring a young Brian Austin Green)

3. "Give It Up" by Wilson Phillips
(Carnie is Delta Burkalious in this video!)

2. "Vibeology" by Paula Abdul
(What a piece of shit song! Can you feel the vibe?)

1. "Rhythm is a Dancer" by Snap
(I remember Aunt Viv talking about Snap on "The Fresh Prince of Bel Air")

Happiness is a warm gun....and a few other things.

Life sucks sometimes we all know this....just remember we're all better off than most. Here's a list of eight things that make me happy and I usually take for granted on a daily basis:

8. Coffee- I've recently became a regular coffee drinker and I must say, a strong cup of joe in the morning is a fabulous treat. Plenty of Coffee Mate with two or three Splendas and I'm ready to start my day.

7. Howard Stern -Listening to Howard 100 on my way to work or school is something that I can't imagine life without....does that make me weird? (ETM Rules)

6. My Grandma J. -She'll be celebrating her 88th birthday in April and she's as funny and quick witted as ever. I like to think I inherited my cherished "smart ass" gene from her. She's a great conversationalist and I'm the only granddaughter I know who trades one liners about sex and drugs with their elderly Grandmother.

5. Easy Listening & Adult Contemporary Music -Bread, Air Supply, Genesis, Billy Joel, Hall & Oates....thank you fellas for soothing my soul with your sweet melodies.

4. High Speed Internet -One day your children will ask you what the world was like without the information super highway...hopefully you'll be able to remember. Infinite information at your fingertips is wonderful and should never be taken for granted. It's a beautiful thing and when computers overthrow humanity we will all be vaporized instantly so enjoy it while it lasts people.

3. Camera phones -If you see something that needs to be documented (like your friend stumbling out of a bar and puking all over the sidewalk) it's not a problem with these little gadgets. Great for blackmail as well (I'm looking at you Michael Phelps).

2. Instant Jello Pudding -Pistachio in a flash. (Cool band name)

1. People -When you find out you have something in common with a stranger, when you find out something new and cool about a friend you've known for years, when your kid just achieved a milestone, when you're picking up someone at the airport and you have that "Movie Hug" when you first see each Red Green said "We're all in this together". Hug someone today damn it.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Really bad haircuts from my past...(aka the most self-indulgent post ever.)

Everyone I know has pictures from their younger years with wonderfully bad hairstyles. Lucky for you I've decided to share some real doozies from my past...these pictures reveal not only that I was quite the risk taker when it came to my hair but also what a painfully awkward child I was. Enjoy and feel free to share your own hair horror stories!

8. Sixth grade. I believe I was taking a cue from Six on "Blossom" here.
7. Seventh grade. This unfortunate hair decision led to me getting the nickname "Poodle" from a boy in my Lit class. I remember chasing him into the bathroom and kicking him in the balls for making fun of me. Good times!
6. Bridget Fonda in "Single White Female".
5. My attempt to copy the Jennifer Aniston "Rachel" hairdo of the mid-nineties and failing miserably.
4. I call this one "Lesbian Goth".
3. During my "Prince Valiant" phase.
2. The grandaddy of them all. Check out the chin on that kid. Like my winter coat?
1. This is what my hair looks like now and has looked for years...this gives you something to compare all the really shitty haircuts too I guess. God, I feel like such an attention whore today! Validate me!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Eight things about winter that irk me....

8. Isolation. On some days during these winter months I just want to go inside my apartment and not come out until it's April. I haven't seen my family in Flint in weeks and I have a long list of calls from friends that need to be returned. Looks like the "Seasonal Affective Disorder Fairy" strikes again. That bitch needs to retire.

7. Windshield Wipers. Those Mothertruckers always, ALWAYS stop working this time of year. As soon as ice and snow hit, rest assured I will be sticking my hand out the drivers side window (in traffic) to fix my wayward wiper. Don't even get me started on the fluid...

6. Chapped hands. I have sensitive, Irish, Whitey McWhite skin that when put in subzero temps. on a daily basis dries out like an ancient riverbed. My hands look like they've been dipped in red Kool-Aid. No lotion or emollient can beat the dry, itchiness that is my body. Sexy.

5. Salt stains. Seeing that I can't afford proper winter boots. My black leather work shoes have suffered greatly so far this year....

4. The month of February. By far the worst month of the year...right smack dab in the middle. February exists to remind us all that there is about two more months of shitty weather. Plus just for shits and giggles they throw Valentine's Day in there to make you feel even more worthless.

3. Snot. There seems to be an abundance of it as of late.

2. Award Shows. Hollywood gives themselves a pat on the back for a job well done of churning out uninspired, unimaginitve krap. Except for a choice few movies (Gran Torino & The Wrestler to name a few) there's really no reason for the A-listers to get all gussied up on Oscar night so they can kiss each other's ass....deep down they all know they're fakes.

1. Black Ice. -Starring Ice Cube and Ice T as renegade cops on a mission to stop an evil Columbian drug cartel.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Random, random, random

8. "Bed knobs and Broomsticks".... A childhood favorite of mine. Cockney accents, witchcraft and Jessica Fletcher, what more could you ask for?

7. Speaking of cockney accents, if I bring a child into this world I thought it would be delightfully funny to speak only certain words in a thick, British accent in front of the young'n. For instance the word "Blueberry" would be "Blooberrie". As a result he would acquire a charming accent (but only for certain words). This would confuse the rest of the world but would bring me joy and great satisfaction.

6. I feel that I am the best bath towel folder in the world. I've had people comment on my towel folding prowess. Bow down.

5. Drinking coffee and then urinating results in urine that smells like's like enjoying the wonderful, warm aroma all over again.

4. French's yellow mustard always gets under fingernails.

3. The Discovery Health Channel has the best titles for their programs, case in point: "Half Ton Dad", "I didn't know I was pregnant", "200 Pound Tumor", "Treeman: Search for the Cure", and "I am my own Twin". Riveting.

2. I know way too much about serial killers.

1. I hope you have a good day.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Eight Foods my English Father Enjoys

A guest list, by Martin Butler; stand-up comedian, gourmand, and Adrianne‘s room mate).

My dad is British. He’s used to eating weird, disgusting food with strange names. Here’s a list of 8 favorites (or, favourites, as he’d spell):

8. Bubble & Squeak. A fancy type of leftover vegetables, if you call pan-frying boiled cabbage and carrots fancy. To this day, this is usually my old man’s Monday dinner, in addition to cold cuts of leftover meat. He enjoys his Sunday roast, but I think he likes the leftovers better. He still thinks he’s rationing for the war effort.

7. Eggs & Soldiers. A breakfast dish. You take a soft boiled egg (the aforementioned “egg” in the title) and place it in an egg holder so it stands up. Crack the top the egg with the back of your spoon and peel enough of the top shell and cooked egg white away until you’ve exposed the runny yolk. Then you dip strips of buttered toast (the “soldiers”) into the yolk and enjoy. When the toast and yolk is all gone, you peel the rest of the egg and eat it, too. Unless you’re a child, in which case you’re likely to leave the egg white behind. I did.

6. Ploughman’s Lunch. A staple British pub lunch. All it is is a piece of crusty bread, a wedge of sharp cheese and some sort of chutney. Have you ever met an actual Ploughman? No, because they all died of starvation or malnutrition. This is something you’d whip up at home when you were out of actual foodstuffs, nothing you should seek out at a genuine foodservice establishment. No matter how many ales you’ve consumed.

5. Black Pudding. In the history of misleading names for British dishes, this one wins. It’s not really pudding. It’s dried blood sausage. Yes, dried blood. In a natural sausage casing. Just dried blood. Served like any pork sausage, minus the pork. Unless it’s pork blood.

4. Marmite on Toast. Outside of Britain and former British colonies, no one really knows what Marmite is and no one really cares. So here’s a quick primer on Marmite (or Vegemite, in Australia. Same thing). It’s a by-product of the beer-brewing industry, officially a yeast extract. It’s a deep, deep brown tar-like substance that could just as easily be the by-product of a smoker’s lungs. It has a very savory taste; think soy sauce or Maggi sauce. Very strong stuff. My dad smears this stuff on buttered toast and loves it. In his honor, I’m going to invent a Marmite steak sauce for him to enjoy.

3. Toad In The Hole. The “toads” are sausages. Preferably pork sausages; feel free to use black pudding if you want to be disappointed. The toads are baked in their “hole,” which is a batter that turns to a cooked dough when heat is applied, like most good batters should. I suppose, lacking a photo, the best way to describe Toad In The Hole would be like Pigs In A Blanket, if all the Pigs decided to lay on top of their Blankets in a communal setting, like a slumber party or an Independence Day firework display.

2. Spotted Dick. You’ve already heard of this one and giggled at the name, but have you ever heard of…

1. Faggots and Gravy. Yes, this is the name of a real British dish and not the name of an improv troupe. Faggots, as a food item, are ground meat items usually made with the least-desirable parts of an animal, traditionally hogs. Maybe a bit like hot dogs, but with livers and hearts, and often times made into meatballs with onions and breadcrumbs. My dad says the best faggots are incredibly tender (I know, stop it!) and served in gravy, like Swedish meatballs.

On a final note, despite England’s notorious love of beef, all the aforementioned dishes do not include beef. That doesn’t mean beef should necessarily be excluded from any above meal; in fact, a quarter pound of quality deli sliced roast beef and some horseradish would turn the Ploughman’s Lunch into one hell of a sandwich.