You can tell a lot about a person based on the shit that they have on display in their home. Their likes, their dislikes, where they've been and where they hope to go...Since I'm feeling a little self-absorbed tonight I've decided to grant you a half assed tour of my apartment. Feel free to judge me and share your opinions on this banal example of blogging. I feel that if most people out there can upload hundreds of photos of their kid's second birthday, I can post this....enjoy.

1. Various tiny jars of sprinkles (or jimmies if you prefer) and glitter. I don't bake that often but when I do I go whole hog. 2. Reduced fat peanut butter is a marketing strategy I fell for hook, line and sinker. Reduced fat is a farce.

Really nice luggage that was given to me as a gift for my 21st birthday. I took it to New York once and walked in an urgent manner through LaGuardia. I pretended that I was a very important person that was catching a last minute flight to Dubai. I need to get out more.

Ralph Steadman poster behind a pile of hand and tote one needs that many bags.

I collect glasses. If I'm visiting a dive bar or a really tacky tourist destination I almost always buy the souvenir pint glass. A little white trash perhaps but they're much more practical than tiny, decorative spoons.

This shelf was installed in the bathroom for the specific purpose of a "bathroom library". It wasn't my idea but I've grown to like it. For the record, those are not bongs. They're plastic "cups" that were purchased at Comerica Park and contained an overpriced, fruity daiquiri of some sort. Eat your heart out Martha Stewart.

I'm watching what I eat...(rim shot).

Since I'm the awesome person that I am, I decided to make pancakes for my sister when she visited from South Carolina a few weeks ago. I bought a second bottle of syrup in prepartion for the breakfast (always think ahead). She ended up opening the brand new bottle instead of using the last of the old one. After my horrifying fit of rage, I calmed down and all was forgiven.

As you can see I'm a fan of the classics.
Okay, I LOVE this idea and am jealous that I did not think of it first. Second, I am worried about the shelf in your bathroom as it seems to have a very serious structural deficiency. Third, I have one of the books that is on that shelf, no lie. Fourth, I never considered that I could store syrup anywhere other then in the fridge. I wonder though, would it help if you just poured the little bit from the old bottle into the new one? I suppose not, that would be just plain wrong.
If I had to make a guess as to which book you own it would be "The Essential Calvin and Hobbes". And yes, you're right it's just plain wrong to mix the syrups. I wasn't born in a barn, Dave.
Although your fridge seems a bit sparse, I see you feed yourself with great reading. Great post again. Keep em' coming.
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