7. The Detroit Lions -An NFL team that never ceases to disappoint their legions of loyal fans. Their Thanksgiving Day game is never missed in our family. By the time the traditional three legged turkey is shared at half time there's no question how embarrassing the game will end for them. Prove me wrong this year Lions.
6. "Family" -The countless step-siblings I have to make small talk with. They're all very nice people but I only see them twice a year. I don't have children and I'm not married therefore we have next to nothing to talk about.
5. The Fatty Factor -I feel even more disgusted with my body on this day more than others. Full belly and what not.
4. Children -This might fall in with the "family" category but I'm going to give this subject it's own spotlight. Once again, I'm not a Mother and I'm hardly ever around children....it's not that I don't like kids but an entire afternoon with 5 or 6 little people under the age of ten can take it's toll on me. I'll be getting acquainted with a bottle of vodka around eight or so...join me?
3. Impending Doom of Christmas -I work at a store at the largest mall in the state. A long, arduous day of work on Friday is always looming in the back of my head which prevents me from fully enjoying the holiday. (boo-hoo)
2. Broken home -Being a child of the 80's I, like many kids from that era are a product of divorced parents. This means I have to spend Thanksgiving with one side of the family. Don't even get me started on Christmas! (boo-hoo-hoo)
1. Cranberry Sauce -There's always never enough to go around.
Happy Thanksgiving everybody! :)